Posted by : Unknown Sunday, 2 February 2014

What do you do when you don’t want your ex-girlfriend (with whom you’re friends on Facebook) to see the  pictures of your new girl that you just posted? How do you hide the snaps of the weekend drinking binge you had with your friends, from your conservative relatives ( and parents )?

In both the above-mentioned situations, not having such people as friends on Facebook is always an option. But that may not be the most convenient one. Luckily, there’s a way to hide your Facebook photos, videos, and status updates, from people who shouldn’t see them.

Let see how we can hide a status message, or a photo/video that we upload using the status tab, from certain people.

Step 1. On the Facebook status tab on your homepage, you’ll find a small security lock icon beside the share button. Click on it.

Step 2. You’ll find some options in the dropdown menu that comes up. You can see that you have the option to make the status visible to Everyone, Friends of Friends and Friends Only. The default is Friends Only. There’s a Customize option below that. Click on it.

Step 3. Clicking on the customize option will bring up a Custom Privacy box. As shown in the screenshot below, you can use the options available to make the status update visible to specific people as well to hide it from certain people.

When you start typing the names of your Facebook friends from whom you want to hide the status, it auto-completes the names making it easy for you to select them.

Similarly, you could hide a photo, video or anything you post from the status bar. You just need to make sure that you use the custom privacy settings, save them and then share the status.

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